IT support provider in Bali and New York


Regardless of being a sole proprietorship or a large enterprise, we accommodate businesses of all scales. Whether you aim to minimize IT expenses, avoid unforeseen issues, enhance efficiency, or ensure business continuity, Alt Fn Ctrl offers tailored solutions for your needs.



A robust IT infrastructure forms the foundation of a smoothly operating business. With extensive experience in managing various aspects such as computers, servers, networking, data, storage, physical and virtual properties, software, policies, training, security, mobile functionality, and cloud-based services, we ensure seamless operations.

Employing remote monitoring tools, we proactively identify potential issues before they disrupt our clients' workflow, enabling swift resolution and uninterrupted productivity.



Safeguard your data from unauthorized access and misuse by enforcing stringent protocols and policies.

In cybersecurity, we don't compromise. Small businesses often lack the budget for high-end network protection, making them vulnerable. Protecting your network doesn't have to break the bank. We implement an advanced protection system, detecting and preventing network infiltrations. Moreover, our security awareness training educates users about possible threats, enhancing awareness and readiness, effectively safeguarding your entire network.



Maintaining physical servers has become increasingly challenging. Cloud services offer a solution.

Cloud computing's scalability has fueled its popularity. As your organization expands, adding resources is as effortless as flicking a switch. Cloud services handle maintenance, management, and support, guaranteeing 99.9% uptime through expert care.

However, cloud migration isn't simple. Applications and cloud platforms don't always align seamlessly. Our experts assess needs, determining which applications can migrate while preserving essential services.



Effective backup and disaster recovery solutions offer our clients peace of mind and reassurance.

Having backup, disaster recovery, and fail-over strategies is crucial for any business, not a luxury but a mandatory safety net for maintaining an always-online infrastructure. Interruptions and outages are inevitable; it's a matter of "when," not "if." Some situations, like natural disasters, are beyond our control. We ensure you don't need to worry about your business data, adhering to the principle: "It's better to be safe than sorry."

Three purposes of business data backup are protection from: accidental mishaps; data theft and corruption; and loss prevention from catastrophe.



Utilizing virtualized servers and workstations offers significant advantages to your infrastructure. It reduces equipment expenses, demands less maintenance, and provides scalability for growth. Our virtualization engineers can help your organization migrate existing physical servers to a versatile virtual environment, ensuring these benefits are realized.

Our team specializes in managing two prominent virtualization systems: VMware and Hyper-V. These platforms empower companies of all sizes to harness the power and functionality reminiscent of a full-scale "Data Center."



Effective system integration enhances efficiency and productivity, resulting in lowered operational costs and improved information flow.

Businesses, diverse in their needs but unified in the goal of processing information swiftly, can rely on our comprehensive consultancy and support throughout the system integration process, encompassing research, procurement, testing, and training.



Wireless connection has become a necessity on par with electricity.

Leveraging advanced technologies like long-range radios, antennas, amplifiers, and features such as MIMO, Mesh topology, beaming, and Wave 2 technology, we assess your coverage area and suggest the ideal setup. This ensures seamless connection for you and all your devices.