Windows 7 - No More!

Windows 7, released on July 22, 2009, is coming to an end of over 10 years of operation.

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Although computers made from 2015 and on most likely have Windows 10 installed, many consumers still prefer Windows 7. As stable as it is, Microsoft will no longer support Windows 7 starting Jan 14, 2020

Windows 7 has been a very stable operating system, thanks to Microsoft's never-ending efforts to fix issues/bugs, improve OS security, and support software vendors to ensure stability. This is all done through Windows Updates. After Jan 14th, Microsoft will no longer release updates. 

What is your option? 

Upgrade to Windows 10, a much more secure operating system than its predecessor. It has been in use since 2015 and proven to be very stable. For a comparison between the two, check out this article.

Can I still use Windows 7 after Jan 14,2020? 

Yes, but it is not recommended. Gradually, issues will appear one after another and your apps will become incompatible and unstable, often crashing. Then there are security concerns. Everyday, hackers discover new ways to break into a computer. When Microsoft is made aware of it, their team of engineers will work on a fix and release it to your computer via Updates. With an out-of-date OS, your computer becomes easier and easier to be compromised.